Men's Designer Shoes Have Arrived!
Posted by Leather Milk Customer Orders on Mar 22nd 2018
Hey-llo aficionados! We just got a mystery box from a really great friend:! If you've never been, this website is your one-stop shop for some of the finest footwear there is to find on this world wide web! They import exquisite and top-of-the-line leather shoes from Italy, Germany, Turkey and leathercrafters based right here in the US! Operating out of Austin, TX, MensDesignerShoes prides themselves not only on the quality of their leather, but also the quality of their service. In their own words: is different from other large online footwear retailers in that there is a personal touch you get from us that is hard to find in this day in age. We pride ourselves on taking the time to speak to our customers for as long as it takes to guide them in their luxury shoe buying decision.
We can personally attest this stellar congeniality, so be sure to pay them a visit, and pick up some kick-ass leather shoes! But I know what you're thinking - "Okay Leather Milk, I've purchased my kick-ass leather shoes, but how can I possibly keep them in such kick-ass shape to last a lifetime? Leather doesn't last forever, you know!"
Gee willikers, you're right! Aren't we lucky we happen to have these little doodads sitting next to us. Wazzit called: a Water Protectant, and Boot & Shoe Cream, and a Healing Balm? What a crazy coincidence! I wonder what would happen if we were to give them a test run on these boots? Like my old somebody always said, there's no time like the three seconds it took me to wonder about the present! And speaking of presents, it's time to unwrap ours!

What a beautiful pair of Zelli San Martin Pecarry dress shoes, in lace-up black! Let's get cooking with them, shall we?

Opening up this savory feast, we have a side of Healing Balm, Leather Milk's premium leather restoration formula. Usually, we only recommend using this formula on significantly tarnished leather, but in gentle quantities, it can be effective for giving leather a darker, enriched hue and superior protection. We gave the formula a test spin on one of the shoes - oh hey! Here are the pics! Fancy that!

Like all Leather Milk formulas, we design our formulas with intent to preserve your leather's finish instead of effecting shine or matte; instead, our formulas elect to enrich color already present. Of course, much can depend on your own unique leather, so it's important to get familiar with it through experience. We rather think Healing Balm knocked this one out of the park!

Next up, we tried Leather Milk's own Boot & Shoe Cream, designed specially for your leather footwear!

And finally - for my personal favorite - Water Protectant, our strong conditioning & protecting formula which boasts moisture-resistance so powerful, it turns vicious waves of water into harmless beads, able to roll off your leather without harm. Take my breath away, W-P-Numbah-3!
And bonus vid! Water-repelling power...go!
Never gets old. So let's check out the final pieces! I mean, check. them. out!

Welp, that was awesome! I think these little guys are going to get along just fine. Mens Designer Shoes, please keep doing exactly what you're doing. Everything you make is gold, seriously. Thanks from the team, and best wishes.
--Leather Milk Team