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How to Remove Your Leather Denim Stain.

How to Remove Your Leather Denim Stain.

Posted by Daniel Sutton on Aug 11th 2014

The Leather denim stain is a pain, isn't it? Difficult to remove if it gets in too far, and just plain jain unsightly. Often times, you’ll need to consult a leather professional to get rid of this stuff if you got unfinished leather (like aniline). But mostly, you can handle this ogre on your own.

White couches are the most notorious offender for catching the leather denim stain. Something about white really attracts the conspicuous taint. In truth, denim can affect other leathers just as easily. If your leather doesn’t have protection already, a good way to prevent denim rub off from occurring is to give it a layer of leather conditioner, such as Chamberlain’s Leather Care Liniment no. 1. These recipes will bolster your leather’s pores and help prevent dye transfer from setting in.

The Board is Set

So what if your leather denim stain is already set? No use trying to put on leather conditioner now (or not yet) – do that, and you’ll be trapping the stain in even more. This malady will require a different sort of tactic. Which is why God gave us handy magical brews called leather cleaners.

I mean the kind specifically designed for leather – not your commercial variety cleaner. Use anything that’s not pH balanced on your leather denim stain, and you’re going to be sparking a chemical reaction that’ll do your hide harm. Stick with leather-oriented cleaning recipes, like Straight Cleaner no. 2. This stuff seeps deep into leather’s pores to get rid of hard-rooted debris and stains, and is your best bet aside from the professional to kick this leather denim stain out of town.

The Pieces are Moving

You will want to test your leather cleaner before you use it. Rub a small amount in a discreet area of your leather with a lint-free, white cloth. Allow the spot to dry while looking for any signs of color rub off, discoloration, or any other negative effects. If you see none, you should be good to go. Note that alcohol cleaner tend to work better on finished leather rather than unfinished, so it’s a good idea to know your leather’s type ("How to Identify Types of Leather") before you begin to clean it. Better yet, read up on the leather manufacturer’s care instructions, as that’ll be the best guide anyone can give you.

Spread your cleaner in thin, even layers across the leather’s surface with an applicator pad or a clean, lint-free cloth. After everything’s covered, wipe off the remaining residue and allow your leather to dry in a cool, clean area away from sunlight and heat. You may not get the stain on your first try. Sometimes stains will take repeated applications, time and use before they start to fade. Just make sure you don’t over-clean your leather, or it may start to dry out. You can restore lost lubricants and keep your leather supple with leather conditioner.

We Come to It at Last

Ubiquitous Chamberlain’s Leather Care Liniment no. 1 volunteers again. Test your leather conditioner of choice the same way you tested your leather cleaner, and if it checks out, proceed to massage it into your leather in circular motions. Spread the leather conditioner evenly – an uneven application can lead to splotchy drying, and ain't nobody got time for that. After the leather’s received an even coat, allow it to dry naturally in a cool, clean area away from sunlight and direct heat. Buff any remaining residue off and allow that good stuff to set in overnight for best results. In the morning, you’ll have yourself a leather denim stain free shiny.

Congratulations, you.

Daniel Sutton

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