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How to Remove Chewing Gum From Leather

How to Remove Chewing Gum From Leather

Posted by Daniel Sutton on May 12th 2014

So, despite spoiling your kids on ice cream and Batman cartoons all week, you've somehow managed to find gum stuck to your brand new expensive leather couch. Now you are panicking, thinking it’s ruined! Not to worry. Here are a few quick, easy ways to remove chewing gum from leather that will leave your leather looking like new.

The Ice Method

First, take an ice cube and place it in a plastic bag. Put the ice cube on the area where the gum is located for a few minutes to harden it and make it easier to remove. After you have hardened it, grab an item that is hard and flat. A credit card, butter knife, plastic spatula, or even a spoon should do nicely. Scrape as much of the gum off as you can, but do this carefully so as not to scratch the leather. After you have gotten as much of the gum off as you can, mix some warm water with mild soap. Do not use ordinary soaps, as alkaline products have a different pH level than leather products, and can weaken your leather. You can read more about this in our blog “Common Leather Care Mistakes.”

Stir the soapy water to make lots of suds. Then, take a clean washcloth and, using only the suds from the mixed soapy water, wipe the rest of the gum away and dry the area with another clean washcloth. Once you have finished getting all of the gum out, apply some leather conditioner, like Chamberlain's Leather Care Liniment No. 1, to condition your leather and make it like new!

The Peanut Butter Method

So what if the ice method didn’t quite get all of the gum out. What do you do, now? If the suds did not completely remove the chewing gum from your leather, you can use peanut butter. Hold up - peanut butter? That’s right! Try to use all natural peanut butter, as it works best with leather. If the oils and the butter have separated, mix them up. The oils are what break down the fiber of the gum and the butter facilitates a good coating. Only use a small amount of peanut butter as the oils can stain the leather if they are left on too long. And before you commit, test your peanut butter in a discreet spot before testing on your gum. Some leather stains more easily than others, and you don’t want to muck up your leather in an obvious spot! Apply a small amount, wipe it up, and let it dry. If there is no stain, you should be good. Spread the peanut butter on the gum and let sit for a few minutes. Afterward, take a lightly damp, clean washcloth and wipe the peanut butter away. Immediately dry the area of any residual moisture from the washcloth. Afterward, apply the leather conditioner as previously mentioned.


Just a quick note before you begin: Remember to always test leather conditioners on your leather prior to using them. Rub a small amount of leather conditioner in an inconspicuous area on your leather with a white cloth, and allow the conditioner to dry. If there is significant color rub off on your cloth, discoloration in the leather, or any other negative side effects, find another conditioner, or accept that there may be some change in your leather’s appearance. Do the same with the peanut butter and the soap suds as different leathers can react in different ways. This ensures that when you go to remove chewing gum from leather, the leather will remain as durable and beautiful as the day you bought it.

The next time you are watching the kids and find that they have accidentally destroyed your favorite bag with their favorite flavored little chewy, don’t panic! You now have to tools to tackle any amount of gum that happens to find its way onto your favorite leather item.

Dwight Ball

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